
Git & GitHub

Freeseer is hosted on GitHub, which uses Git. You’ll generally encounter both while contributing.

Git allows many people to work on the same documents (e.g. source code) at the same time, without stepping on each other’s toes. It’s a distributed version control system. Git can be complicated for beginners or for people who have previously used a version control system that’s different by design (e.g. Subversion).

No worries, there are tons of online resources. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please ask us!

Before we begin, keep in mind that there is no correct way of using git. With git, you can often achieve the same results via different ways. How you use git is often determined by the guidelines of the project you’re contributing to. The examples on this page are how we recommend you use git when contributing to Freeseer.

See also

Forking and Cloning Freeseer

  1. Go to the Freeseer repository on GitHub and click the fork button. This creates your own public copy of the project under your GitHub profile ( A fork allows you to easily use someone’s project as a starting point for your own.
Click the fork button on the page **.
  1. So far your fork only exists on GitHub. You’ll need to clone it to your local machine to be able to work on the project.

    $ git clone
  2. Your cloned repository has a default remote named origin that points to your fork on GitHub, which can be used for pushing and pulling updates. But there is no remote that points to the original repository that you forked from. Add a remote named upstream to keep track of the original Freeseer repository.

    $ cd freeseer
    $ git remote add upstream
    $ git remote -v # Lists your remotes, you should see origin and upstream


    The name upstream is by convention. You can use whatever name you prefer (e.g. mainstream or mothership).

Basic Workflow

Whenever you’re going to make a set of edits to the project, you should create a topic branch (also called a feature branch) for your changes. Your topic branch will usually be branched off of master.

Never make changes directly in the master branch. Your master branch should mirror upstream’s master branch, try to keep them in sync. You’ll use your local master branch to pull in changes from upstream.

  1. Switch to the master branch and pull in the latest changes from upstream.

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull upstream master
  2. Create and checkout a new branch. Please follow our naming guidelines.

    $ git checkout -b my-topic-branch
  3. Start making your changes. Commit early and often.

    $ git add modified_file
    $ git commit -m "Add foo" # Omit the -m flag to write a more detailed commit message.
  4. After your first few commits, push your topic branch to GitHub.

    $ git push -u origin my-topic-branch # The next time you need to push, simply use git push
  5. Go to GitHub and open a pull request from your topic branch to upstream’s master branch.

    This allows members of the Freeseer organization to easily see updates made to your branch and perform code reviews as you make changes. So please open a pull request as soon as possible!

  6. Rebase frequently to incorporate changes from upstream.

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull upstream master
    $ git checkout my-topic-branch
    $ git rebase master
  7. Push your commits to GitHub frequently. At a minimum, push your changes when you’re done working for the day.

  8. When you consider your work complete and ready to be merged, rebase any changes from upstream into your branch once more (see step 6).

  9. Squash any dirty commits via an interactive rebase, so the remaining commits are meaningful and comprehensible. For example, squash commits that only fix a typo or whitespace, and rewrite poor commit messages.

    $ git rebase -i master
  10. Let others know you consider your work ready to be merged by leaving a comment in your pull request. You may be asked to make some changes.

  11. When your pull request has been merged, celebrate, then clean up by deleting your local and remote topic branch.

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull
    $ git branch --delete my-topic-branch # Deletes the topic branch on your machine (can also use -d)
    $ git push --delete my-topic-branch # Deletes the topic branch on your fork


Performing an interactive rebase (as in step 9) will rewrite history, and should therefore only be used on personal branches. Never rewrite history on branches that others are also working on.


If you rewrite history that’s already been pushed, you’ll need to force push the next time (git push -f). Try to avoid forced pushes by only editing commits that haven’t been pushed yet. Use git rebase -i HEAD~N to edit the last N commits.

Workflow Diagram

A visual representation of what a contributor’s workflow should look like.

Contributor's workflow diagram

Reference Issues in your Commit Messages


We use a single issue tracker for all of our repositories:

Similar to how GitHub allows you to reference issues and commits from a comment on, you can also reference issues from a commit message.


Referencing issues from your commit messages makes it easy to view more context and see which commits are related.

There are two ways to reference issues.

  1. Short form: #123 or GH-123
  2. Long form: user/repo#123

You can reference issues that belong to different repositories on GitHub using the long form. This is called a cross-repo reference.

If you forked a repository, you can use the short form to reference issues belonging to the original repository.

To close an issue from a commit message [1], place a supported keyword directly in front of the reference. For example, “Close #123” or “Fix gh-123”.

Supported keywords

  • close
  • closes
  • closed
  • fix
  • fixes
  • fixed
  • resolve
  • resolves
  • resolved

You can also close multiple issues in a single commit message, and close issues cross-repo if you use the long form. [2]


GitHub is case-insensitive to commit messages.

Dealing with Conflicts

You’ll run into a merge conflict eventually. It’s when something doesn’t match up between the local and remote copy of a file. To be more precise, a merge conflict usually occurs when your current branch and the branch you want to merge into the current branch have diverged. That is, you have commits in your current branch which are not in the other branch, and vice versa.

The secret is to use git mergetool. Here’s one way how you can resolve conflicts:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/experimental current-local-branch
... CONFLICT: Merge conflict in <filenames>

Now you have 3 options:

  1. Selectively choose which parts of a file to use (using an external visual diff & merge tool):

    $ sudo apt-get install meld  # Install Meld (or at
    $ git mergetool -t meld  # Some alternatives are kdiff3, opendiff, diffmerge, etc.
    ... The visual merge tool is launched.
    ... It shows three versions of the file (local, failed merge, remote).
    ... You can easily choose code from any and all of them to resolve conflicts.
    ... Don't forget to save the file when you're done.
  2. Ignore their changes, use your file:

    $ git checkout --ours <filename>
  3. Ignore your changes, use their file:

    $ git checkout --theirs <filename>

Once you’ve resolved all conflicts:

$ git add <filename>  # Or 'git add .' to mark all files as resolved
$ git rebase --continue

To abort the conflict merging process at any time:

$ git rebase --abort

Renaming your Branch

Want to use a better name for your branch?

Renaming a local branch:

$ git branch --move old-name new-name  # Short option is -m

Renaming a remote branch is more difficult because git doesn’t support it. A workaround is to delete the branch and re-add it with the new name:

$ git push origin new-name
$ git push origin --delete old-name

Reporting Bugs & Requesting Features

We troubleshoot and discuss features in public. If you’ve found a bug or have an idea, take a few minutes to see if it’s already been documented.

Search our documentation, mailing list, issue tracker, and IRC log.

2. Ask

Contact us before opening a new issue, otherwise you risk it being closed for reasons such as it being a known issue or previously rejected idea.

Hop in our IRC channel or send an email to the mailing list and describe your problem or idea.

3. Open a new issue

After searching and contacting us, open an issue if none exist and reference any existing related issues that you know of.

If you’re a new contributor, please use one of the templates below.

Bug Report Template

For bug reports, describe step by step exactly what you did and what went wrong.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

What is the expected behavior?

What went wrong? (Place any screenshots here)

Did this work before?
- Not applicable / I don't know
- Yes, this is a regression
- No, I think it never worked

Any other comments? (E.g. Freeseer version, Python version, operating system, error messages, etc.)

Or use this conciser template:





Feature Request Template

Purpose of feature (pros, cons, use cases):

Describe the feature and its functionality:

Mockups / Screenshots / Examples:

Of course you can also argue feature removal.


[1]You can only close an issue from a commit message if you have push access to that repository. In other words, if you can close the issue from, you can also close it from a commit message.
[2]This is useful when closing an issue in Freeseer/freeseer from a commit that belongs to another repository under the Freeseer organization.