
We want to adapt Freeseer for as many non-native environments as possible. There should be no language barrier between Freeseer and our users. Help us in our localization efforts.

Add a Translation

  1. Open the Qt Linguist tool – it should come with your installation of PyQt
  2. Translation files are located in freeseer/src/freeseer/frontend/qtcommon/languages/
  3. Using Qt Linguist, open translation (.ts) files for languages you wish to add
  4. Once the translation is complete, send a pull request

Update Translation Resources

For new translations to appear in Freeseer, you need to update the translation resources. This task is typically left to a developer, not a translator. If you feel uncomfortable doing these steps, please ask a developer to update the translation resources.

1. Update Translation Files

This step only needs to be completed if a developer wrote code that contains new translation strings in the user-interface. To update translation files:

$ cd freeseer/src/freeseer/frontend/qtcommon/languages
$ pylupdate4

The file specifies which source files contain translation strings, as well as which translation files need to be updated and/or created. If you want to translate to a new language, add a new locale for that language.

2. Add Qt Translation Files to Freeseer-monitored List

Next, you need to update the list of monitored translations by editing freeseer/src/freeseer/frontend/qtcommon/resource.qrc.

Add the following line:

<file alias="languages/tr_LANGUAGE_LOCALE.qm">languages/tr_LANGUAGE_LOCALE.qm</file>

where LANGUAGE and LOCALE are specific to your translation. For example, for an American English translation:

<file alias="languages/tr_en_US.qm">languages/tr_en_US.qm</file>

3. Update Qt Resource Files

When translations are ready to be used, they need to be imported into Qt’s resource files. We included a script to automate the process. Simply run:

$ cd freeseer/src/freeseer/frontend/qtcommon
$ make

You should now see your translations the next time you run Freeseer.